The Benefits of Offering Flexible Working

As we explored in our January blog post, many Millennials entering the job market are keen to work flexibly, often actively seeking organisations renowned for offering this option. Many forward thinking employers (such as Berwin Leighton Paisner, Madgex and Sky*) have already embraced the shift towards flexible working arrangements, but others run the risk of being left behind.

Flexible working patterns

Flexible working covers a multitude of working arrangements as agreed between the parties involved. It may mean working full time hours with a non-standard work pattern; working full time hours over fewer days, staggering start and finish times either every working day or on some days, working “split days” (working a set number of hours each day split into two distinct parts) or any combination as agreed. It can also mean working remotely, working part-time, job sharing and term-time only arrangements.

Vacancies advertised as offering flexible working options significantly increases the talent pool available. Flexible roles, particularly at qualified and senior levels are in high demand. Candidates wanting to work flexibly greatly outnumber the jobs available and as a result businesses offering more flexible working arrangements can have their pick of star candidates. Many of these jobseekers have significant work experience, are degree educated, holding professional qualifications and memberships.

Increase your talent pool

If your organisation is unable to find suitably qualified candidates at the right salary, extending your search to those wishing to work flexibly can provide access to a vast number of qualified people looking for less traditional work patterns. This is especially relevant when seeking to fill positions where good candidates are generally in short supply, for example accountancy practices. Out of town businesses and those in remote locations may also find this approach particularly beneficial.

Individuals working flexibly typically greatly value the opportunity to work in this way. Combined with the increased job satisfaction that flexible working traditionally brings, this is often reflected in their increased productivity and retention. Indeed, a 2016 Vodafone survey of 8,000 employers and employees revealed that 83% of respondents reported an improvement in productivity.

Keeping up with the ‘always on’ culture

In the digital age, many clients and customers operate longer working hours to meet customer demand; including flexible workers within your own organisation may enable your business to provide real time support to these clients and customers ahead of your competitors.

Advertising roles as offering “flexible working options” considerably increases the reach and appeal of your organisation; providing you with the widest talent pool available and enabling you to attract the best candidates.

Photo credit -Marlon Maya, Unsplash

Source Working Mums Top Employer Awards 2016

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